
I don't know if you know who you are, until you lose who you are

 Part II

Look into my eyes. Tell me the truth. Tell me why are you like that. I want to hear all you have always wanted to say but never have. I am anxious, I am eager to know about it, come on, tell me. Let's stop the world now. Let's undress our souls now. Let's release this anguish we have hidden inside. Let's liberate these emotions. Let's turn it into love. Into art. Into inspiration. Love can fight the world, right? Strength can struggle everything. Togetherness. But first, tell me, please, let me end this misery, you know the process is painful. Pain always makes you grow, learn, makes you see the world in a different way. But you have to understand it, you have to know why you are broken. Broken people can teach you a lot, don't you agree? Why are you broken? Why do you shut yourself off? Come on, hurry up, wake up. Life is beautiful but also short. 

Don't apologise for who you are. Never ever.

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